On Reserve: The articles mentioned on the course
Requirements: Mid-term Paper (20
pts), Final Paper (30 pts), four of five pop-quizzes (20pts),
and a Final Exam (30 pts).The
mid-term paper will be
a short (3-4 page) essay on Russell's Theory of Descriptions.
The final paper is on a topic to be negotiated.
Course Outline:
A. The Millian Theory of the Meaning of
Names. (Devitt)
B. Arguments against the Millian theory.
Frege and Russell-1)
C. The Description Theory of the Meaning
and Reference of Names.
- Frege's version. (Frege)
- Russell's version. (Russell-1 and Russell-2)
D. Arguments against the Description
Theory. (Naming and Necessity)
E. In defense of the Description Theory.
F. Two puzzles From Kripke.
Kripke's Puzzle About Belief. (Kripke)
- Four attempted solutions. (Harrison,
Marcus, Noonan, and Over)
- Are beliefs in the head? (Lewis
- A local Millian attempt.
- Kripke's Puzzle of the Contingent
A Priori. (Naming and Necessity)
- Two attempted Millian solutions.
(Blackburn and Donnellan)
- A local Millian attempt.
By me for class:
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